Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Week In Review

Wow, where to start? Let's start with a football update. Carl won his last game and is now in the championship game, which means he could win the league. (With the quarterback I GAVE HIM!!) I'm in the "championship" game of the consolation bracket, which means the best I can hope for is to wind up fifth, which is where I ended the season last year. Oh, well.

We had another snow storm on Wednesday. It was a heavy, wet snow and the chute on the snowthrower got plugged so I ended up shoveling alot of snow. But I was able to remove the ice from the driveway as well, so in the end it wasn't all bad. Thursday I had a followup visit with my gastroenterologist, who seemed pleased with my progress and didn't change my prescription. Friday Mom came up and we went to Ames for Carl's ISU graduation. It was OK - the dinner before the graduation was nice (they had a chocolate fountain that the girls loved) but the graduation ceremony at Iowa was nicer. At the U of I it was just the graduates and their spouses, and the setting was (for lack of a better word) intimate, where the ISU graduation included all of the Masters and PhD grads. The PhD's went first, and that took forever because each graduate was presented by their professor and had to have their hood draped on. The Masters Degree students, however, were herded across the stage like cattle. The grads handed a card with their info to an emcee who read their name and major, and the grad walked across the stage, shook hands with the ISU president, and got a leather diploma holder with a fake diploma in it. I guess, because they ran everyone through in no particular order, they couldn't give out the real diplomas because they couldn't make sure everyone got the right one. Carl said they'll probably mail out the diplomas to everyone. I hope so. At the grad dinner they gave the students really nice frames for their diplomas and I'd hate to have to put a fake diploma in that nice frame.

But on to Saturday. We stayed overnight in Ames, and Saturday morning Mom and I went to the bookstore and did some shopping. Then we went straight to Cedar Rapids, because my cousin Curt, his wife Cynthia and their son Michael were in town (they live in Texas) and the whole family was meeting at Ryan's buffet for lunch. We were late, but we got to see everyone. That evening (Mom had left around mid-afternoon) my family went up to church to participate in the Living Nativity. We dressed up as shepherds and stood in the cold for half an hour with a half dozen sheep as people drove by in their cars and listened to the Christmas story on CD. How the Living Nativity works is a long story, but it's really cool. I guess you'll just have to come up next year and visit me to see just how it works.

We did the Living Nativity Sunday night, too. However, I must have eaten something nasty, because by the time the evening was over I wasn't feeling well. I had diarrhea and chills, and I woke up at 2 am and barfed. (Yeah, pleasant reading, I know.) I spent most of Monday in bed. Carl got the girls off to school, and he brought home pizza for supper, but because I was sick I had to miss the Norway 5th and 6th grade Christmas program. Hannah had won a trombone solo, and I didn't get to see it, and both she and I were very disappointed. Fortunately Carl taped it, so I'll get to see it that way.

Which brings us up to today. I'm feeling much better, and am very grateful that it wasn't a virus (that could be passed around thus making Christmas miserable) and I'm also grateful that if someone in the house had to get food poisoning it was me and not Carl or the girls. Funny, isn't it, the things you're grateful for sometimes.

Well, if I don't get the chance to say this before Sunday, Merry Christmas! Have a happy and enjoyable weekend, everyone!


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11:47 PM  

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