Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Cranial Clutter Clearout

Some random news of the past couple days (daze?) -

Yesterday Carl took my truck (Candy) in to the dealership for its first oil change. It was free (a perk from our dealer) so hey, why not take advantage of their generosity? That meant I had Carl's truck, the F-150 that we call Big Red. That also meant that, since I had the pickup and time during the day, I could take our old dishwasher to the landfill. No problem, job done. But I definitely noticed a difference in how the vehicles drive. They both have the same style of frame but the similarities end there. I missed my digital temperature readout and my CD player. The F-150 doesn't accelerate quite as fast as the Expedition and the engine is alot noisier, too. Red also handles more stiffly than Candy, and turning tight is harder. But its still a truck, which in my opinion beats a sedan any day. No offense to those who prefer sedans, I hope.

While I was out running errands, I took my mountain dulcimer to a guitar shop to have them look at it. I thought I needed to have the action lowered (which meant tearing the dulcimer apart because it's glued) but the guy said no, all I needed was a steel bar like the ones dobro players use. I tried it and liked it, so now I can continue teaching myself to play dulcimer. I have a great instruction book (complete with DVD) so hopefully I'll have some skill improvements shortly.

The kids had another two hour school delay today, which means I had my neighbor's kids over again. They're nice kids: Jacob's in second grade and Shannon's in first, in Mary's class. Hannah plays with them, too, and they all have a good time. Four kids in the house and not a brat in the group. I love it!

The weather here has been weird, and when the temperature fluctuates the way it does, it has an effect on the wooden fence that surrounds our back yard. The effect this time was that the south gate pulled away from its post, and as soon as Judah (who lives in the back yard) saw the opening, he was gone. I didn't know it until I went to feed him and wasn't met at the door by a large drooling beast. Then I heard the gate banging in the wind and thought "Oh, great. Gone again." (Dog gone! HA!) So I stood at the west gate and hollered, and in about 30 seconds I heard him running up the street, collar jingling merrily in the sharp, cold northwest wind. I got Judah back in the yard, fed him, then went to the garage and got a piece of wire to tie the gate closed. I hate it when that happens.

Last night on Leno I saw the new JibJab parody on George Bush's inauguration. If you haven't seen it yet, go to their website ( and watch it. It's hysterical. I like the JibJab guys - they poke fun without being partisan. I wonder if they would want two slightly used scarecrows.

Right now I have my favorite Mannheim Steamroller CD's in, so I think I shall go lay on the couch and enjoy the music. Ciao!


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